BOUNDARIES | WHERE do YOU draw the line?
Do., 18. Aug.
Part 2 of a series of 3 deep-dive workshops on BOUNDARIES.

When & Where
18. Aug. 2022, 16:30 – 17:30 MESZ
What to expect
In Day 1 : WHY do you need boundaries? you learned that you need boundaries to set limits for intrusive relationships and you also need boundaries to grow and develop healthy relationships that you want. Â
You did your homowork and gained clarity about your reasons and your purpose for defining boundaries.
Day 2: WHERE do you draw the line?
Now we will get specific. How do you find YOUR line? How do you know that your boundaries are in the right place?
Day 3: HOW do you communicate and enforce your boundaries?
How do we keep the toxic people out while building healthy relationships with those we love?
On the last day of the workshop we will learn and practice saying the magic words. No guilt. No fumbling.Â